Thursday, June 10, 2010

Jack of All Trades

Megan is making me do this. I'm from somewhere in Indiana and I left home when I turned 18. I ended up at Indiana State and enrolled in the 7 year graduation plan. My Bachelor's degree is through the Liberal Arts program in Entertainment. I met Megan my Senior Year and we started working together producing videos for the athletic department, intros, senior night vids, etc. Been writing music for 5 years, done film for four, and gone through a number of bands. I am nocturnal and exist solely on a diet of Monster energy drinks, cheese its, and Winto-green Lifesavers. I like Adult Swim and Law & Order. I spend my life on Final Cut/Motion/Logic. I lived in my office last semester. I'm the guy that brings the idea to life, that makes it work. Megan is screwed if I leave.


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