Thursday, July 1, 2010

Anime Hype

So lately we've been workin on this new thing.....well its not really so much a "new thing", but its new to us. ANIME Drawing, and its HOT.

Check it...

Thats the Anime drawing of Diana, a good friend of ours. Hot right? I know anyone can get down with an anime of themselves. Let us KNOW!!

SPEAKING of Anime, I'm lovin this video by Architecture in Helsinki right now....

if you dont know about them get with it, they're this indie group based out of Australia. and the Video was done by Paul Robertson, check him out...

1 comment:

  1. Haha good first post dEMO!

    welcome to the team :)

    oh and that video is cool too where u find this stuff?!?! smh
